Another long journey

It’s already obvious that I am pretty obsessed with bicycle touring.  As time and funds have permitted in my life, I’ve taken longer and more complicated trips, the longest being about two months. Occasionally I hear about other bike tourists who are so hardcore and obsessed that they have cycled across entire continents or even around the world. That idea has always felt bold and intimidating, but not for me. The last time it came up was seven years ago, and it dropped into the back of my head and percolated there until I forgot about it.

Fast-forward a bunch of time, to 2018. Last year, I was feeling stagnated in my job, tired of my living space, and bored with the geography of the Bay Area. I’d been obsessively playing the computer game Civilization V, and the art deco monuments and colorful pastel mountains and rivers had colonized my imagination. The world was full of light and conflict. I’d just finished a loopy sci-fi novel by Stephen Baxter about spacefaring Roman legions and moon-dwelling Incan tribes, and though the premise was absurd, the collision of remote culture and high technology was inspiring. It came up again in a surreal novel by Dan Simmons: Quantum technology and the siege of Troy, on Mars! My mind was an avalanche of sandstone and granite ruins knotted with ivy and wildflowers, teeming with people in exotic clothes, trading or fighting or building together.

I was seized with the urge to take a vacation, and go far out into the world and touch the artifacts of history. But while I was still working, it would have to be a typical Silicon Valley “get away from the desk” vacation, and I knew how those usually went. I’d be in a rush, moving between various modes of transport, skipping across thousands of miles to hit a packaged highlight reel of well-traveled attractions, trying to use the experience as a hammer to smash some dents into a brain shaped by months and months of software engineering. The vacation would not be for its own sake, it would be to prepare me for another six months back at work.

I knew that would not do. These ideas were calling for a bigger change. I spent several weekends biking around and sketching in the beautiful Mountain View cemetery at the end of Piedmont Avenue, enjoying the fresh air and the quiet, sun-warmed granite monoliths. I began browsing around in Google Earth, tracking down the cities I’d conquered and the wonders I’d built in Civilization, and reading about the history and geography of far off places. Samarkand… In the first edition of Civilization it’s the seat of power of the Mongolians. In Civilization V it’s a powerful, independent city-state usually located in desert. Where is it really? Here it is, in Uzbekistan. There’s a country named Uzbekistan? Wow, I didn’t even know that. How could there be a country that I do not know the name of, at my age?

I started thinking a lot about my picture of the world, and how much of it was based on unverified assumptions, convenient metaphors, current political fashions, and apocryphal stories. I felt intensely ignorant and confined. I needed to break out of my routine, and experience the world outside in a direct and personal way. I needed to crowbar myself out of an existence that was too comfortable. If I didn’t have the means now, when would I ever? Suddenly, the idea of a long-range bike tour popped up from the depths of my mind, threw confetti in my face, and said, “hey idiot, remember me?”

At first I didn’t know what to do. The idea was equal parts enthralling and terrifying, giving me a sense of ambivalence, but it was also sticking hard in my brain like a flyer glued to the windshield of a car. A real long-range bike tour means leaving the Bay Area for a long time. It means spending my savings, and it means I need to rent out my current place to help pay for the house, otherwise my savings would vanish immediately. It means quitting or renegotiating my job. It means being away from my friends and family. Most important of all, it means not having a significant other, because what girlfriend in her right mind would actually be interested in a crazy journey like this?

For a while I hoped the idea would diminish, as it had before, so I wouldn’t have to confront its practical details. But it just set up camp and grew larger and rowdier like a Greek army laying siege to the city of my mind. Eventually, during an intense discussion where I felt encouraged to take risks, I spoke out loud about the idea for the first time.  It was like opening the city gates.  As I heard myself describe it, trying to convey the intensity of it to another person, the Greek army rushed inside, and suddenly I no longer belonged to myself.  I belonged to this journey.

So. I intend to begin a long bicycle trip carrying all my gear, starting in Iceland, with a destination of England. Perhaps by then I will be sick of traveling. Perhaps I will settle in England, or return to California. Or perhaps I will continue on, through Spain and France. Perhaps I will circumnavigate the planet. Who knows?

The tentative departure date is 100 days from now.

This raises a lot of questions, like “Are you crazy?” and, “How long will this take?” and, “Are you aware of these things we have, called cars?”, and of course, “Do you know how dangerous this is?”

I’ll answer that last question up front by saying, yes, this is dangerous.  In the coming months I’m not going to talk about the danger much, because it’s not something I want to dwell on, but I should at least say that if I do end up frozen solid in a snowdrift, or dead at the bottom of a ravine with my equipment scattered around me, or – most likely – squashed flat by a truck like Wile E. Coyote in the desert, that this is something I accepted as a possibility when I started.  And I chose to do it anyway.

Yes, it’s a fatalistic attitude.  But in the time leading up to this journey I have become so obsessed with the idea of attempting it that it has started to feel like an inevitability.  Like a part of my identity.  If I was any less obsessed maybe I would choose to stay at home. Keep circling in that worn-down trench between house, workplace, and supermarkets; maybe take a series of smaller risks. But I honestly feel like I don’t have that choice any more. The Greek army has plundered the city, and is running it now.  If I am fated for the snowdrift, or the ravine, or the logging truck, then so be it!

There’s also the possibility that I will grow to hate this journey after I embark. After three or four months on the bicycle, toiling up hills in the middle of nowhere, I may suddenly snap, dump my equipment in a pawnshop, and buy a ticket back to the states.  That is an acceptable outcome.  But I’m also pretty stubborn, so — we’ll see!

The night sky on the river.

We must, most definitely, see.

Reasons NOT to go on a bike tour!

Map of semi-charted waters, courtesy of Ducktales.
It’s scary out there. Why not just stay home?

I like to think that compared to most other types of tourists, bicycle tourists are more concerned with the environmental and social costs of their travel. In other words, more likely to feel guilty. I’ve struggled with my own share of this guilt and tried to address the biggest reasons for it:

Bad or selfish things about bicycle touring:

Instead of spending money on bike parts and campsites, couldn’t I donate my money to a good charity, where it would benefit more people?

There’s no escaping the fact that it would be more charitable of me to stay indoors, with my nose to the grindstone, and pass every extra dollar on to those less fortunate. But I also need to attend to my own well-being. Time on my bicycle is “me time”, selfish by design, like any other grand adventure such as climbing a mountain, dancing in a musical, or struggling to beat a master at chess. It’s not something I do to survive, it’s something I do to live.

But being a tourist doesn’t produce anything!

When I’m on a bike tour I do not intend to stay permanently out of the workforce; in fact I know I would soon go crazy living that way. After basking in the warm glow of making a real contribution to important work, I’ve discovered that it feeds my adult soul in a way no perpetual indulgence ever could. I can’t be just a tourist.

But isn’t my desire for travel as entertainment an embarrassing example of western decadence?

Sensing the pattern here? Eco-conscious bike tourists are experts at the self-directed guilt trip! Yes, travel for reasons other than survival and work is decadent. But…

I’m reminded of a certain political figure from Alaska, who was big in the 2000’s. She stood in front of a convention and declared, with a self-satisfied smile, “When my kids graduated from high school, I didn’t send them on some backpacking trip around Europe for the summer. No, they got jobs.” The audience applauded her. Take that, you elite liberal snobs!

A few years later, after she became a multi-millionaire, she loaded her entire family onto a converted tour-bus and took them on a meandering joyride all over the country.

I fully admit that my own vacation time is decadent compared to the situation endured by millions of less fortunate people, but I can swear at least one thing to you: I will not be a stinking hypocrite about it.

It’s a bit weird living in a place where you get constant first-hand exposure to the extremes of poverty and wealth. In the same day, I’ve met with the CEO of a billion-dollar corporation in a glass-and-steel office, and then hours later talked to a ragged man standing barefoot in a homeless camp (and shared some of my food with him.) Sometimes it seems like taking any time or pleasure for yourself is a crime, in a world with such imbalance. Other times it seems like you’re guaranteed to go crazy unless you do.

But the constant motion of touring doesn’t provide in-depth exposure to any one place or people, does it?

I feel like my career as a computer programmer has given me tunnel-vision, and even though I am surrounded by a city full of people who know very little about computers and nevertheless make a respectable living, I have no concrete idea of what their work feels like.

Perhaps I used to as a teenager, when I would come home exhausted and sticky from working a fast-food grill, or when my hands began to corrode from constant washing between shelving groceries and serving customers at the ice cream counter. But now those days are far away, and I am cocooned in a quiet, cerebral career that pays the bills without struggle.

The kind of bike touring I like to do involves setting a start and a destination, and then taking however long it takes to get between them. Having the chance to pause wherever I am and dig deeper is important to me, and I think it will also help me get more of the perspective I feel I’m lacking.

Also, I know I’m too much of a homebody to do this perpetually. During the downtime, here and there, perhaps I can do other things to sustain the connections I make along the way. Follow up with conversations; circle back a bit.

A website about bike touring?

Me, blogging in the year 2060

As a kid, I kept a diary well before there was an internet to blog on. I’ve stuck with it because I’ve discovered that the habit of collecting my thoughts helps me squeeze more meaning and satisfaction out of life. I like riding around on my bike, and I’ve got a bit of an autobiographical streak, so naturally, I put up a blog about bicycling.

Putting this stuff online, where friends and family can see it, is a way of making myself more accountable for the process. I like the results and I like working on it. Plus I have some vague idea in the back of my mind that it might serve as a resource or inspiration for other people who want to try bike touring.

Of course, there are arguments against blogging, just as there are arguments against bike touring itself:

Won’t I feel compelled to maintain it instead of exploring “in the moment?”

This is a possibility. I like putting in the time to write but there does need to be balance. If I find myself turning down the chance to explore so I can catch up with a writing backlog, I should ease up on the writing and just take pictures or mutter into a voice memo instead. I’ve done some work with gadgets to make the process efficient — scripts to process photos and GPS logs, for example. There’s more I could be doing there.

If you make your journey public, people who want to harm you can find you!

In my previous trips I’ve discovered that the real threat is not premeditated actions from a distance. It’s opportunistic locals who see me passing on the road, or see me dining in a restaurant, and feel like messing with an outsider. Also, making my location available online might actually help my friends figure out what happened if I end up tied to a tree somewhere. (Presumably after being held at gunpoint and ordered to “squeal like a piggie!!” or whatever.)

Isn’t blogging about this stuff just a way to show off?

I know plenty of people who have better gear, better legs, and more distance traveled than I could ever hope for.

Everyone’s got adequate cause for humility.

But by putting up my own thing, I’m making yet another island of information which would be more useful if spread around elsewhere.

Now this is an interesting point. Ken Kifer’s Bike Pages and Sheldon Brown’s Technical Pages are wonderful resources that every cyclist should explore, and if I can make a meaningful edit or addition to those, why shouldn’t I just contact the creators directly? That way, more people could benefit from what I learn, instead of the relative few who might stumble across this site.

Perhaps I should look into that once I’ve got some decent content up here.

No one will ever know

I may choose to reach for the life I want, or I may pass each day in melancholy deference to the comfort or judgement of others, and leave my dreams untried. A hundred years from now, no one will care – or even know – about my decision.

8 years old and ready to roll!

There will be no golden statue erected in the park with my face and the inscription, “he didn’t cause a fuss.”

No crowds of people gathering in banquet halls to raise a glass and say, “thank goodness he didn’t try anything weird.”

No hall of heroes with my portrait and a little card below that reads, “Distinguished performance, early 21st century: Conscientiously 100 percent second-guessed himself.”

If you stood fast at the wheel of your little community ship, steering straight along the plotted route as a generous guide to others, pretending not to notice the uncharted islands passing on the right or left with their intriguing flashes of green and gold, each one sending a surge of desire up your spine which you dutifully fought back down, and at the end of your shift you didn’t twitch the wheel even once, making an easy handoff to the next captain stepping in beside you… Well, the most anyone will assume is that the sea was calm, and there were no islands at all, and after you made a satisfactory run you were buried at sea with no regrets.

Then they will forget you entirely, and assume the ship steered itself.