You can do it!
Go on a long bike ride!
There are lots of reasons!
It’s easier than you think!
They're piling up behind the mountains to the west and then spilling over.
Outside the Nevada State Capitol building. Dig that silver roof!
Some poor fellow met an untimely end here. Asleep at the wheel? Hit an animal? Drunk driver?
Viking ship in the sky over the campsite.
Yeeeah, brah!! Keep on truckin'!
Now this is a bike path.
The first dive will be your last dive.
Oh the paleontology horror if this was actually a tooth...
There's that "alien world" feeling again...
Hello traveling friends! Get that recumbent and go on that hike! And good luck at the new job!
Pausing on an uphill
Ferry Boat Docking At Flatey Island , 4x speed
Another bike touring friend! He's from Germany.
Lunch: Smoked salmon, egg, cheese, ham, salami, and cucumber sandwich.
No barfing so far this trip, but you never know!
Layer upon layer.
Bicycles sure have evolved!
He's been to the US several times, but hasn't seen the desert yet, so I recommended that.
The narrow patch of horizon between cloud and rock.
Warning: Hourglass bridge ahead!
Way too cute to move.
Justin is heading out on the Iceland portion of his seven-month tour. Go go go!
Bike is on board and tethered down!
Chomping and pedaling!
A local punk. His change cup read "FUCK NAZIS".
Weeping willow in Lübeck.
33 years old, camping overnight in Big Basin Redwoods, California.
Snacks for later!
Resting up after an easy day's riding!
More of that endless layering I enjoy so much.
Three nosy horsies.
In the hills east of San Jose, California
In the hills east of San Jose, California
I'm very pleased with myself.
Watch out for roo crossings!
Good ol' Valoria!
Another familiar sight in the high desert: Telephone poles roasting in the sun.
Posing with another friend outside Pete's Steakhouse! She recently ran a marathon, and we talked about that feeling of inner peace that comes after a long strenuous day of exercise.
A lovely composition of rolled-up hay and Osage Oranges.
Can you hear the angelic chord in this photo? "AAAAAAAAAAAAH"!!!!!
Plastic bags over wool socks, to keep warm air inside. It really helps on very cold days.
Country road at sunset.
Self-portrait of me examining the ceiling. Still had my bike helmet on!
This is the proprietor of the Pheasant Country Inn. She gives bicyclists a 10% discount!
Slightly repacked gear, with my clothing around the bike as padding.
Celia and I.
"The Werewolf", by Angela Carter, describes graveyards as "those bleak and touching townships of the dead."
Dammit, I blinked!
... But then I found a booth with plenty for sale.
The Golden Gate from an interesting angle. I had to hoof it waaay up a hill for this shot!
Mr. Breakpoint poses with the folding bike. He rode with me on Bart from San Francisco to Oakland.
A famous building.
More layers...
Classic California. Gorgeous.
DCF 1.0

Latest journey: Reno To Las Vegas

It is up to us whether we subordinate ourselves to god, nature, or other persons.

A saying I made up, then printed out and taped over my desk, in high school

Tales of two-wheeled travel.
Bikes are perfect for tinkering.
Bike tourists love gear lists!