Iceland 2021 Page 9

A Guy With Some Rocks

Pretty dang cute. I am amused!

Cute curtains in the barrel house.

Little tiny two-room barrel house! YEAH!!

Another great day for riding!

A nice day on the bay.

Small monument to Hans Jonatan, former Danish slave and the first known person of African descent to settle in Iceland.

What a cute looking calculator!

Don't those buttons look so jolly and candy-like?

Outside the Steinasafn (Stone Museum) in Djúpivogur.

The fellow who built the Steinasafn.

The Misty Mountains

One more bathroom stop before the road...

Local lore on display.

Nice spot to run a local government from.

It's pretty cool seeing all these little kid toy sections in restaurants.

YESSS!! Greens!

Shout-out to Glen, giving his trailer a trial-run on this Iceland tour!

The back of the bike: Table, coat rack, extra hand, clothesline, and occasionally even a work desk.

This could be a clear day or a cloudy day, depending on your perspective.

This side of the rock was constantly getting wet from streams of water and then quickly drying out from the wind, over and over.

Having a good time in the rain!

Hills hiding behind hills.

Just how much mist is an excessive amount? Iceland has no such limit!

You could climb to the top, but I don't know where you'd stand when you got there!
Another world, above and below the clouds.
Gorgeous sandwich layers along every fjord.
I cairn do this all day.
And all this geography, right by the side of the road...
Ride on in, the mist is fine!
Farming the sea.
Watch out for them trucks!
That rock's in the way! Blast it!

A ribbon of road, making this travel possible.

Fjardabyggd:. More than just that thing you shout when you stub your toe: It's also a town!

The aurora, vaulting up behind the clouds. I did not expect to see them this time of year.

Is something wrong with my lens? Nope. It's the northern lights.

Look at all that exploded luggage!

Resting A Bit

A fine sunny day for some light riding.

I appreciate the intention here, but this map is actually really confusing.

I adore any store that sells a carrot cake with four layers.

Once again I'm the only diner in the restaurant. The tourist season ends really abruptly here...

Soda, Sweaters, and the Sea

Sparkling water.

A neat kiosk about the Kambanes peninsula.

Building a road is often something that happens in long intervals.

Now that's a fancy lighthouse!
Bringing a massive amount of cargo in to one of Iceland's few massive ports.
On clear days like this the lighthouse seems unnecessary. Unfortunately, clear days like this are rare.
Can you tell I just peed by the side of the road?
That's a cute little harbor!

A view all the way up the valley to the start of the river, where the glacier originally came down and carved it.

I'm not enitrely sure how to interpret the drawing on this sign.

I heard about this place on Atlas Obscura. Sadly, it was closed when I came by.

So much wool to choose from!

Two fine selections.

They serve snacks and have wifi. Time to linger.

The bathrooms were closed at this tiny campground, so the manager of the local store said I could stay for free. Very Iceland.

What does it all mean? You decide!

I dig this guy.

Back home this isn't a drink, it's an ingredient.

I don't know what this island is called. Can't find a name for it on any map.

See all those dots? Every one of them is a bird nest.

Another fishing operation, with Fáskrúðsfjörður in the distance.
Looking back down the coast, into the ominous late afternoon shadows!
A quiet, shady highway.
Today's destination: Fáskrúðsfjörður.

Coming in late after a fishing operation.

Still just a little bit of light over the mountains, due to the time of year.

Definitely spacious compared to the other places I've stayed!

Quite an amazing tunnel

Sjanni is a great fellow and I wish I'd had more time to spend with him!

Spot the cyclist!

Aww, two little arcade machines! That's adorable!

Have snacks, will pedal!
Huh? Whaaaa?
I think it would be cool to have hills like this all around my farm. Might get annoying chasing after lost sheep though.
It almost looks like the mountain is venting steam.
Clouds doing weird things over the peaks.
Just a liiiiitle snow left up there.
Lovely view. Unfortunately it looks warmer than is actually is!
I hereby name this region 'Sheepy Hollow'!
Every time I make a baa-aa-aa noise at them, the sheep get slightly more confused.

Guess what this marker means!

Today's route appears to go straight up over a mountain! No wait, that's a tunnel.

Oh boy, this one's a long one!

Tunnel time approaches.

Looking back. See ya later, daylight!

10 whole minutes of coasting silently downhill into the mountain. Very trippy.

If you look close you can see the tunnel I came out of.

Better watch it, motorists!

Some impressive sides to this valley.

I was tempted to walk over and put my feet in, but I figured the water would be far too cold, and my socks would take far too long to dry.

These roadside memorials to dead motorists are rare in Iceland, but no less saddening for it.

If I'm reading the sign correctly, the motorist was only 16 when she died here.

So many waterfalls!
Pausing at the rest area for a photo and a wee!
Lots of spinning on those cranks to get up here...
Zig-zaggy waterfalls!
Only a few cars on this stretch today, which is a nice change.
The highest point of today's ride.
The curves are especially dramatic because there isn't a single tree to interrupt them.
There's sheep in them thar hills!
Weird perforated sunset clouds.

Here's a place that looks like it can serve up a lot of calories.

This guy's name is Patti Burgersson. (I'm lying.)

Got a lot of snacks in the fridge today.

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