Soda, Sweaters, and the Sea

Sparkling water.

A neat kiosk about the Kambanes peninsula.

Building a road is often something that happens in long intervals.

Now that's a fancy lighthouse!
Bringing a massive amount of cargo in to one of Iceland's few massive ports.
On clear days like this the lighthouse seems unnecessary. Unfortunately, clear days like this are rare.
Can you tell I just peed by the side of the road?
That's a cute little harbor!

A view all the way up the valley to the start of the river, where the glacier originally came down and carved it.

I'm not enitrely sure how to interpret the drawing on this sign.

I heard about this place on Atlas Obscura. Sadly, it was closed when I came by.

So much wool to choose from!

Two fine selections.

They serve snacks and have wifi. Time to linger.

The bathrooms were closed at this tiny campground, so the manager of the local store said I could stay for free. Very Iceland.

What does it all mean? You decide!

I dig this guy.

Back home this isn't a drink, it's an ingredient.

I don't know what this island is called. Can't find a name for it on any map.

See all those dots? Every one of them is a bird nest.

Another fishing operation, with Fáskrúðsfjörður in the distance.
Looking back down the coast, into the ominous late afternoon shadows!
A quiet, shady highway.
Today's destination: Fáskrúðsfjörður.

Coming in late after a fishing operation.

Still just a little bit of light over the mountains, due to the time of year.

Definitely spacious compared to the other places I've stayed!

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