A River Of Ice

Everything's outside the room, so it counts as checking out!

Reassembling the patched tire. Let's see how far this gets us...

Another natural arch way up there! This totally feels Lord Of The Rings-ish.
Comminucations gear waaaay up on a hill.
Glacier under cloud.
I know starkness is sometimes the Icelandic modern style, but come on, couldn't you do just a little bit of landscaping? This is a hotel but it looks like a storage facility.
Spoooooky valleys!
Looking south across the layers to the Atlantic.

A long straight approach to the foot of the next glacier.

An absurdly expensive restaurant but the view is alright.
Heading away from the glacier now. Looks very different from any angle!
Centuries of ice piled on top of itself.
So much ice!

ROAD CAKE. The best kind.

The ice just keeps going up...

Approaching the Jökulsárlón glacier bridge.
Cars have to wait their turn, but people just stroll across.
The bridge makes a great photo spot.

A busy day on Jökulsárlón glacier.

I dig this.

I'll never understand why Ford discontinued this van body style. It was so versatile...

It's a giant bookshelf; get it?

Lots of instructions for finding the cabin.

The rock talks.

They custom-laid me a table for one, rather than making me wait. Nicelandic!

A new sticker!

Where to go, and how to get in.

Not 20 minutes in, and stuff is everywhere already.

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