The Edge Of California

I dream I’m driving a car up Scott’s Valley Drive, the main street of my home town. It’s difficult because I’m using touch controls on my smartphone to steer the car, rather than a steering wheel. I make a lot of illegal lane changes, hoping that the lanes are clear even though I can’t see them.

The car stops and three old women get in, bustling into the three vacant seats. They’re wearing pillbox hats and clutching purses. They sit there a moment, then mutter to each other in surprise when they realize it’s not their car. I explain to the women that it’s my car and I’m driving it home. They get back out onto the sidewalk and close the doors.

The car becomes a truck. It turns transparent — a ghostly wire-frame of a car, like Wonder Woman’s jet in the cartoons. I’m outside the truck. The door is open and I go to throw my backpack into the front seat, and it just falls to the ground. How embarrassing. I need to be in a certain frame of mind to interact with the car but the old ladies have disrupted me.

I concentrate, and manage to step into the invisible truck. I drive it up my road towards the loop that my house it on. Green vegetation has exploded all along the curbs, including giant miners’ lettuce — a small plant that grows in clumps, with one round leaf encircling the stem near the top like a thin mushroom cap, and a tiny cluster of flowers in the center. It’s a plant I saw everywhere as a child and found completely unremarkable, though now I realize it’s bizarrely shaped, and I haven’t seen any other plant quite like it.

I woke up, pondering the uniqueness of my childhood environment. The massive, tall redwoods, and the tiny clover and mushrooms and lettuce that surrounded them. The setting of fantasy novels and sci-fi films known worldwide, and to me it was just a back yard to run around in. I remembered being 12 years old and falling asleep in a patch of clover, about ten feet square, in the center of a long yellow sunbeam, walled in by silent monoliths of redwood bark. As an adult, how would my preferences and personality be different, if my inner world was built on desert scrubland, thunderstorms, stone-walled canyons, and heat?

I shook my head clear, and packed up the bike. I had no idea how to answer that question, and there was riding to do.

I set out from Beatty with the intention of getting to Death Valley Junction, and sleeping in the camping area across from the closed hotel. No sense hauling this tent and sleeping bag around if I wasn’t going to use them, right? All I needed was to make sure I had plenty of water for the next day of riding, since there probably wasn’t a place to top off at the hotel.

I don't know what this drawing is all about, but I dig it.

Want to buy some ammo cans? Here's your roadside shop.

These fellows wander where they please.

I moved on from Beatty and began rolling down another long, hot stretch of highway.

The heat makes the distant mountain look like a giant slug!

Miles and miles of heat, light, and occasional trucks.

Big sky looking south.

Big sky looking north.

As usual, I took lots of breaks to drink and pee and look around.

Geologic layers turned sideways by time.
Look closely and you can see part of a mine.
It's hot out here.
Strange desert structure. What is it?
Heat illusions.
I wonder if this is where part of the road was mined from.
That's a little over 12 miles of road, in one shot.
A variety of rocks here.
Don't step on this plant!
Covered in fuzz to deter insects.
Who or what is buried here?

I also found the usual scattering of trucker’s pee bottles.

Gotta keep on truckin'.

I assume eventually these break open from the weather, and we all get a nice surprise.

And an insect companion that hitched a ride on my glove for a few miles:

Landed on my hand for a rest break. What kind of bug is this?

I have a nephew who sometimes goes by the name “Big Dane” so here’s something for him:

In case you missed it, here's the Big Dune.

The landscape was fascinating, especially for my amateur geologist eyes. All around I could see evidence of massive forces at work.

More sideways geology.

And even out here, these was plenty of industry ticking along:

Another mining operation.

US Ecology is a large hazardous waste processing and storage facility.

The afternoon wore on, and my marker slowly drifted across the arrow-straight lines on the map.

Что не так?

The road looking south.

The road looking north.

Finally I came to a junction, and encountered the “Area 51 Alien Center”, which was every bit as kitschy as you’d expect.

It's silly, but it's got snacks.
So, the alien comes out of a lamp?
Two kinds of disgusting rolled together.
Eating the ham and cheese and tossing most of the bread.

I obtained a gross and unsatisfactory lunch there, plus a candy bar and some more water, then turned south. I still had about 25 miles to go before Death Valley Junction, and I was hoping to have some daylight left for setting up when I arrived.

After an hour or so I discovered a restaurant that wasn’t on the map, so I put on my face mask and dodged inside. I was the only customer. Worried that they were about to shut down the kitchen, I speed-read the menu and ordered a sandwich with pork and avocado, plus a carne asada burrito for tomorrow’s breakfast. When the sandwich arrived I devoured the contents and left the bread. Drank two glasses of ice water and poured two more into my thermos, refilling it. The restaurant was ragged and a bit dingy but very helpful, so I left a giant tip.

Speedy and tasty. My kind of place.

When I arrived some folks were fixing the flagpole.

Glad this restaurant was here!

I pedaled on, and the sky grew colorful.

Lovely sky colors.

While gazing around at it, I noticed that the handlebars were slightly harder to turn than usual. That was a sign that more tread was touching the road than usual, which meant that the tire was suddenly a lot lower, which meant I would soon have a flat tire. I pulled into a rough parking lot, near a building with a closed restaurant. A group of about eight hispanic men, plus one lady, were sitting around a picnic table under the eaves, next to a couple of trucks. A couple six-packs of beer were stacked on the table. Two of the men were speaking loud Spanish and waving their arms, apparently in the middle of telling some hilarious story.

I rolled up on my nearly-flat tire, to an empty bench. Their conversation drifted to a stop as I approached. “Hello,” I said, not even trying to use my horrible Spanish from high school. “Mind if I sit here to change my tire?”

One of the men at the table, a tanned fellow with a trimmed beard and a baseball cap, about 30 years old, smiled at me and nodded at the bench.

I pulled the bags off the bike and piled them neaby, then flipped the bike over and began my tire-changing routine. It’s about a dozen steps and I know it stone-cold, so I had plenty of time and attention to think about where I was. Next to me, the group resumed their conversation, though I could tell that most of them were intrigued by the strange machine and the strange man who was working on it. Several of them watched everything I did, and the rest kept glancing over.

I guessed that the group next to me was probably surprised that I was getting so close. “This little patch of Nevada is probably the equivalent of fly-over country in the midwest,” I thought. “There are probably more people here speaking fluent Spanish than there are speaking English. When interstate travelers stop by, I bet they’re suspicious, perhaps even hostile to these people. Seeing a group of this size, all speaking Spanish, strangers would think of the drug trade, and kidnapping, and human trafficking. Young women traveling alone would keep well away, I bet.”

So why did I feel free to act so casually? I realized it went directly back to my experiences with my father, and the stories he told about traveling through Baja, and how that folded in with my experience in Florida, interviewing teachers and poor immigrant families living in trailer parks for my old job. Of all the assumptions I made about new immigrants in America, one was always on top: They were used to being isolated, and treated with suspicion, and when someone reached out it was a pleasant surprise — a relief, even.

So, here I was, getting unexpectedly close and relying on my assumption. I obviously didn’t fit in, but I was determined to be friendly and walk that line where it’s clear that I’m not trying to pretend I’m part of their group – that would be dishonorable – but it’s also clear that I have respect and anticipate the same in return.

After a few minutes of scattered Spanish, the guy in charge nodded to me and said, “Where you from?”

“Oakland,” I said. “In California.”

The group chatted a bit more. The guy said, “Want a beer?”

I thought about it for a second. I dislike beer and never drink it, but today I would make a social exception and see where it went. “Sure,” I said.

One of the men peeled a can off the stack and stepped over to hand it to me. Some brand I’d never heard of. I opened it. “Cheers,” I said.

“Salud!” they all said, and we took a swig together. Barely cold, with a taste like deep-fried roadkill. “I’ll pretend it’s a soda,” I thought. I set it down on the bench, and continued to lever the flat tire off my rim.

“Man, you seem really relaxed!” said the guy, grinning.

In response I just smiled and kept working, but in my head I thought, “I bet that surprises you. I know I’m a little bit of a target – a man traveling alone with a pile of gear – but I’m overlooking that for now. If I were a young woman traveling alone, all the altruistic thought in the world wouldn’t get me to walk into the midst of a group of strange men just to change a bike tire in the shade. I’d keep riding on this flat tire until I was out of sight, then hide behind a rock to fix it.”

The men chatted in Spanish for about five minutes. From what I could pick up, it was mostly about work, but pretty soon I could hear “bicicleta” mixed in.

“Where you ride from?” said the first man.

“I started in Reno, a few weeks ago. Trying to get to Las Vegas.”

Some excited Spanish. Then to me: “What do you do for work?”

“I work with scientists in a lab. Microbiologists. We’re trying to brew new things. But COVID-19 happened and they shut the lab. So I’m out here riding.”

Gesturing at the weird bike and the pile of gear and tools, the man said, “You must be really intelligent, eh?”

Measuring the delivery, I decided he was cutting some line between admiration and mocking, that could go either way. Perhaps for the benefit of his friends. “Man, I don’t know. I do my best,” I said.

I swapped in the old tube. Time to get it back on the wheel. To liven things up I decided to play music on my phone, and cued up Paco De Lucia.

“What music is that?”

“It’s flamenco music. From Spain. Paco de Lucia.”

They seemed to like it. After a few minutes, one of them got out his phone and stood up.

“This is good music too,” he said, and started up a tune that sounded to me like mariachi, but beyond that I didn’t have a clue. “This is Mexican music!” he held the phone out to me, grinning.

I read the name of the musician. “Juan Gabriel.” Apparently I pronounced it right. One of the guys said, “You know some Spanish?”

“Very very little,” I said, holding up my fingers in a pinch.

The men were amused. I paused Paco de Lucia, and we all listened to Juan Gabriel for a while.

The man with the phone waved it around, dancing a bit. “This man is very rich,” he said, tapping the phone. “Lots of land. This is music with… Corazon! Heart!” he taps his chest, but on the wrong side. He looks down. “A la izquierda!” he says, and taps the other side. I nod approvingly.

“Aaaaaaaaayy yaaaa!” he whoops. Another of the men returns with “Aaaaayy!”

I have no idea if they’re prompting me to join in, or if that would insult them and make me look like an idiot … or if they’re hamming up their Mexican-ness to play a joke on me. So I just smile.

I finished inflating the tire and flipped the bike over. “Wow, that was quick!” said the main guy.

“I’ve done this about a hundred times,” I said, smiling.

As I put the bags on the bike, all the men – and the one woman – finished their beers and crammed them into the overflowing trash bin, and got ready to take off in the trucks. On the way to his truck, the guy who knew the most English came up to me to say goodbye. I got him and his friend to pose for a photo.

Random roadside friends!

“Good luck!” they said.

“That went well,” I thought, as I rode away. “I’ve got to try stuff like that more often.”

For the next half hour I distracted myself by trying to come up with a general rule, so I could remember it encourage myself to apply it. This is what I got:

“Every single detail of how a person appears can be foreign, even disorienting – from clothes to grooming to living space to smell – but there’s a human at the center, with the same human instincts and concerns driving them from within. If you reach over the details, without being a threat or a target, you can connect.”

“That last part is the key for me,” I decided. “I’m not much of a target, relatively.”

My reasoning was this: Generally, people give the benefit of the doubt to people who look like them, but beyond that there’s a hierarchy as well, and in America that hierarchy has the Northern-European appearance at the top. Then, in order of increasing suspicion, it goes roughly: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indian, Latino, Middle Eastern, and then African at the bottom.

If I was a Black man, riding around on the same multi-thousand dollar bike, wearing the same thousand dollars in specialized clothing, carrying a computer and a camera more expensive than half the cars in the neighborhood … Suburban Americans would look at me and wonder, in the back of their minds, if they had locked all their doors and set their alarm.

(Not a uniquely American problem, definitely. But as an American I can see the details of it more clearly than elsewhere.)

Doing what I do does require some bravery, sure, but way way less bravery than it would for other people. That’s all the more reason for me to do it, since connection goes both ways.

Another long day slowly ends.

Anyway, the road was longer than I expected and the sun set while I was still pedaling south. Then a funny thing happened: Ahead of me I saw a giant casino, just on the Nevada side of the state line. There was a hotel attached to the casino. I hadn’t seen that on Google Maps earlier. Looks like I wouldn’t need to spend the night in a tent after all.

A handy casino hotel room.

Tired and thirsty, but glad I have a bed.

The rooms were cheap and spacious. Also there were laundry machines, and a mini-mart inside the casino. I bought a cup of ice water, some milk and cookies, some peanuts, and on an impulse I decided to try a “V-8”.

Snack attack!

The “V-8” was revolting and I poured almost all of it down the sink even though I was hungry and thirsty. It takes a lot for me to throw away food on a bike trip, but that drink … Ugh.

I cranked the heat in the room. It had been a long and interesting day, and I was asleep the moment I hit the bed.
