Iceland 2021 Page 5

Chilling in Árnes campground

This late in the season, campgrounds are often underpopulated. I awoke to find I was one of just three people. Everyone else had moved on.

A pretty good spot.

Drying out items before packing.

The tent did not appear to be leaking, but the air was so humid and cold that my sleeping bag and some of my clothing was damp, presumably from condensation due to my body heat and breath. The stuff I had under the alcove next to my bike was dry.

The changing weather gave me an hour of sunlight in the late morning, so I stacked everything on the roof. The meager heat and the air worked their magic.

It rained for most of the day.

The place was deserted for most of the day. Later on a busload of tourists would stop and most of them would order food from the restaurant. For now it was just me.

My shelter from the rain. Snacks, bathroom, and electricity!

I don't know where it came from, or why it's here in this tiny entryway.

I managed to synchronize my email and work materials, using the wifi in the store. Most of the day passed with my head down over the laptop, writing code and updating tickets and documentation.

Eventually the bus arrived and a crowd of other adventurers temporarily surrounded me. The company was welcome. Everyone was in good spirits regardless of the weather, and happy to get a warm meal.

People ordered food and clustered at the little tables, chatting about their lives back home. Some of them were actually Icelanders, taking the shuttle to reach friends elsewhere in the country. I overheard a trio of women talking in mixed English and Icelandic about e-bikes and scooters, and how disorienting it was to see them flooding the streets in the capital city over the last few years. “One of them almost clobbered me today!”

A little girl walked past my table into the bathroom area.  Her mother followed shortly after, and said, “Dear, you went into the gents bathroom” in a strong Indian accent.

The girl was mortified.  “Oh no,” she said, her voice echoing from behind the door.  She was already inside a stall. “Oh no! Oh nooooooooo!!”

“It’s okay; stay there,” said the mom, with the faintest hint of exasperation in her voice. She waited outside the room while her daughter finished up.

He plays the saxophone really well, and drives tour buses for extra income.

The most gregarious person there was the bus driver. I complemented him on his hat, and he told me the story of how he ended up driving a tourbus in Iceland. We would have chatted for hours except he had a schedule to keep, and soon he raised his voice and said “fifteen minutes, everyone!”

I got an ice cream cone and followed the crowd out to the bus, and waved at the driver.

Melty mid-day snack.

Cool people put this on their fries.

I lingered in the common area for as long as I could, continuing my work. Eventually they locked up for the night.

Thoughtful Ride To Þjórsárdalur Camp

I had a meta-dream last night.  I was wandering around in a hotel, and I ran into a guy I knew in college named Kenny.  He was wearing pajamas and brushing his teeth.  I said: “Wow, I haven’t seen you in a while.  What have you been up to?”  He said nothing, just kept brushing his teeth.

I said, “Ah of course you can’t answer, this is a dream.”

He took out his toothbrush long enough to say: “You can’t tell me what to do in a dream!”

I said, “No, no, this is my dream.  And I don’t know what you’ve been up to, so I can’t dream you telling me!”

“Agree to disagree,” he said, and shook his head and kept brushing his teeth as he wandered away.

Ready for another day on the road!

Packing went well. Everything was dry, thanks to the wind and sun.

Fast-moving canyons of cloud cut the sunlight into miniature days, fading the landscape around me from gray and somber to green and dazzling and back to gray, over and over.

Now you see it ...

... Now you don't.

I the distance I could see the side of the first real mountain on my route, often showing sunlight when the terrain closer at hand was buried.

Frozen mountain top in the distance.

As I went up, the clouds came down, mingling with the terrain. Sometimes they would condense a bit too much and coat my bicycle and the road. There were almost no cars to break the silence.

The open space gave me time to think.

In the back of my head, I’d been wrestling for the past few days with the state of my romantic life. The last time I was in Iceland two years ago I was at a curious inflection point where I was newly single and considering the idea of staying that way, while I continued riding, somehow extending my three month visa into a journey much longer. Work, then the pandemic, altered my plans. This time, I didn’t feel like there was an inflection point. I knew I was on a trip with a limited timespan and I was fine with that. I also knew I had some romantic trauma to recover from but it was different in nature.

Probably the strongest evidence that things were different this time was that I felt like I knew who I was, rather than a stranger trying to rediscover himself. But there was still work to do.

Messy post-rain cloudscape.

My obsessive filing-clerk soul wants to nail everything down and remember it. So I’d been writing, for the last week or so in bits and pieces, about my last relationship and the way it ended. I was convinced that some useful insight would eventually appear. At the same time, I knew I was going through my own version of a process that everyone does, when things go wrong and pain happens and they need to get somewhere past it. You sift, and you think, and you talk, partly just to pass the time while the pain shrinks to something small enough to fit on a shelf where it won’t be underfoot. Maybe you pick something out that feels like a big insight, and that becomes the label you stick beneath it on the shelf. And maybe the insight you chose was just what was in front of you when you got tired of looking. Maybe it’s nothing more than a flourish, announcing that you can move on.

It’s a jaded interpretation, I know, but it’s useful for me: Obsession and documenting can unmoor my brain from the immediacy of life in a living body. Sometimes it helps to let some hot air out of that self-important balloon, and drift back to Earth.

I arranged the flight to Iceland just after I got vaccinated, when the country was still making tourism top priority and flights were dirt cheap. It seemed like the best idea, since I’d already tried dating for six months and my heart wasn’t in it. I even walked away from two promising starts, in favor of this long-term travel. Then in Reykjavik I had a vague feeling like I missed romance even though I was probably still bad at it. So I turned my dating profile back on and browsed around a bit, distracting myself from work and enjoying the diversity of people and their stories. Then I forgot it was there.

A week passed, and a couple “intros” appeared in my email, but they were inane one-liners like “hey how r you.” Easy to ignore. Then two days ago I got a message that caught my attention. The sender actually acknowledged I was in Iceland, which I’d written at the top of my profile, and asked some good questions!

I started a conversation with her over email that quickly snowballed into an avalanche of words. So at the same time I was trying to wrestle the story of my previous romance down onto the page, I was eagerly sharing brain-dump emails with this interesting new person, and there was so much more to talk about that I didn’t really feel like pondering my ex or what happened any more. I didn’t even care about searching for a nice label to put on the shelf. It felt like a waste of time.

Thinking back, I shouldn’t have turned the profile back on, in case something like this happened, because there is currently no way I can tell if I’m actually attracted to this person, and there won’t be a way for months. Today in the latest email we both acknowledged that, which put me in this thoughtful mood, and led me to a particular thought:

My ability to make records has outpaced my need for them. This trip needs to be less about processing, and more about letting go of the past, to make room.

One liter of reduced-fat milk: My constant companion in Iceland.
Enjoying the wacky weather.
Spot the sheep!

So I decided to close the file on my ex, and made no commitment to return. Maybe what happened with her could just be something that faded from memory without a lesson learned … or at least without a lesson identified. Maybe going back over it was just forcing me to relive the trauma. Maybe I would feel better, faster, if I just talked about all the rest of my life with this fun new person, and the rest of my family and friends.

More looking around and forward, less looking back.

I arrived at the campsite early, and wandered around until I found a spot that looked safe from the rain. I didn’t want pools forming under my tent. For the heck of it I decided to make a video while setting up camp:

That inflatable tent makes it so easy!

Ready for another evening.

Comfy as usual!

The soft patter of rain faded in and out as the clouds continued their march overhead. I ate snacks, listened to a few podcasts, made some notes, and generally drifted until sleep overtook me. It was still light outside of course.

The Commonwealth

I awoke feeling refreshed. Perhaps it was the silence around me, perhaps the feeling of clarity from yesterday’s thinking. Either way I was glad.

Sleeping bag got a little damp at the foot again. Time to dry it before packing.

What damp adventures lay ahead today?

Pricey, but given how hard it is to find salad greens in this country, I'll take it.

The light rain had continued all through the night, and the corners of my sleeping bag were damp again. I had about half an hour of relative sunlight with a constant wind, so I stood around eating a lettuce-forward breakfast, and the sleeping bag was mostly dry when I rolled it up. I had an actual room booked for tonight, so I could unroll everything in there to let the drying finish.

The few patrons who were around me had vanished in the early morning. There were no markers to delineate the spaces, and large bushes crowded the sides of the road, which curved around repeatedly as if to avoid them. Perhaps that was true: Perhaps trees are so rare in Iceland that the locals would rather redirect a road than cut one down. With no other campers here, the whole site felt less like an official campground and more like a tangle of animal paths and tiny clearings that I’d just wandered into. I almost got lost on my way back out to the main road.

Wild, weird ground cover.

The road squiggled on. When my phone caught a signal, I got an email update from my new okCupid friend. We were sharing some meta-thoughts about dating. The rain had stopped for the moment so I paused on the shoulder and typed a response:

Yeah, in a dating context, I agree it’s not common for people to talk so much when they know they can’t meet in person. I have a funny question about that: What if we’re talking so much because the distance makes it feel safe? Like, if we can’t actually meet, maybe that lowers the stakes?

I certainly didn’t set out to make myself physically unreachable, and if I could teleport to where you are, I totally would. It would be easier to talk and it would answer important questions. So I don’t think I’m deliberately trying to keep things abstract … But it’s still on my mind.

What about you? Have you wondered about it? What if part of me being interesting is based on me being inaccessible?

Later in the day I got an equally thoughtful response:

As far as talking with you because you’re physically remote — it’s perceptive of you to ask. It’s not why I started talking to you. I liked your profile and saw an easy way to strike up conversation. I assumed that you’d be back in a couple of weeks, since it’s pretty unusual for people to be able to travel longer…

But yes, you being away does take the pressure off in terms of a face to face meeting. I don’t feel rushed. On the other hand it’s kind of a double edged sword because we’re learning a lot of background about each other but it kind of exists in a vacuum. It seems like we’re pretty compatible on paper, but we could have zero chemistry when we meet in person. We could hate each other’s smells, or have totally incompatible proxemics.

She proposed that we try a video chat when I got to the hotel, assuming there was coverage. I said that was a fine idea. We were both curious to see how we’d react to each other in “real time”.

(Also I had to look up “proxemics.” What an interesting word!)

I stowed the laptop again and kept pedaling. Around the next corner I saw a delightful sign:

Info about the farm replica.

There’s a replica Viking farm here? I AM SO INTO THIS.

It’s called Þjórsárdal. It’s a reconstruction of a Viking farm based on the layout of an archeological site in  the Þjórsárdalur Valley, which was buried under a thick blanket of volcanic ash when Hekla erupted in 1104. The eruption was not so sudden that people were buried – they had time to flee – but it was continuous enough that the entire area was rendered uninhabitable. Archeologists dream of this sort of thing.

The parking lot in Þjórsárdal was nearly empty. I just rolled the bike up and set the kickstand. Admission was cheap, but the lack of people also meant that most of the events and activities were cancelled.

I cued up the soundtrack to Skyrim – because I’m an incorrigible nerd – and walked slowly around, enraptured by the artifacts, the equipment, and the little informative placards.

The exterior turf construction was historically accurate, as well as the peg-and-hole interior construction, with the exception of the ticket booth and other modern areas used for running the business.


I was in the lodge house for at least an hour, reading everything and thinking deep thoughts about human lifespans and cultural transmission. What a cool place!

The hand sanitizer is a bit out of place, but oh well.
Whoah, okay, there's that 'stepped inside a game of Skyrim' feeling again, big time.
Oh boy, poop troughs!

Eventually I ran out of stuff to stare at, and I knew I had a big hill to tackle and many more miles to ride, so I took a few photos in the parking lot and then got back in the saddle.


After the hill I rode out across a plateau. The terrain around me felt a little more volcanic; less grassy. Rain started and stopped half a dozen times. Even if there was time to set my gear out to dry, the sun never broke the clouds for longer than a few minutes at a time.

In the distance I spotted huge power lines, and eventually rolled past a hydroelectric power station. Another (relatively) free modern resource for Icelanders, to go along with geothermal heat and clean water, though I imagine the up-front investment was huge.

It fit the larger pattern, really: Iceland has amazing potential for renewable resources but the up-front cost could not be met without a massive influx of cash, technology, and material from elsewhere. The picture of the country as self-sufficient is very carefully framed.

Strangely narrow hallways.

Drying things off again!

Into the Highlands

The room without luggage exploded all over it.

A nicely equipped highland touring bike.

Gas? Who needs gas!!

I like this guy!

These little hillside streams are often exploding with green.
Water suspended on moss.
It's like running your finger over extremely thick grass.
A really intense carpet.
Everything is just the right size to make surface tension a major factor.
The carpet goes right to the edge of the water.
Long strands of moss.
Waiting to climb the next hill.
What's this land good for?
Volcanic wasteland.
Glacial lake thick with rock dust.
Fresh water from contributing streams mixes slowly.
Power marching off towards the city.
At first I thought it was a burned-out cabin. I think it's actually some kind of monument.

Two flavors of glacier, mixing together.

I recommend against jumping!

A fine place to contemplate hydrodynamics.

The first of many, many sand skids.

Under every rock... A spider!

Very slowly climbing the hills.
This is a pretty weird landscape.
Lots of funky road ahead.
Politely discouraging off-road drivers.

Yet another sand skid.

Ugh, nearly fell from that one.

Water busily rushing.

Enjoying the weirdness of the place.

The sun's getting low at the edge of the hills.

One pedal at a time...
Where I stepped up from the road to walk around a bit.
It looks like mud, but it was solid enough for riding. Most of the time.
This is what you get, for decades hence, when some punk-ass tourist decides the rules don't apply to him.
What's around the bend? More mountains!
Lava tube funkyness by the side of the road.
Hey look, an intersection!
Tired but enjoying life.

Come on GPS, stick with me...

I find it hilarious that there is a warning about needing a 4x4 vehicle out here in the middle of the park.

It's a wee footbridge! Strong enough for my bike too.

Manhandling the bike over the hillside trail that pedestrians use to get to the camp.

Perhaps this is part of a sign, repurposed to be part of the bridge. Why else would it be here?

The charming pathway to the camp. That water is actually quite warm.

Folks up late doing dishes.

The sign at the head of a four day hiking trail.

One of the few acceptable patches of open ground that was also a polite distance from other campers.

Exploring On Foot For A Change

Doing laundry in the midday sun.

The camp area during the day.

The site in the late afternoon.
These clever campers found a wooden pallet and built their tent over it.
Folks lined up in the car camping area. Looks like one of them is a bike rental company.
A Kubb pitch.
A busy campground!


Pretty steep price. Perhaps they got tired of people "borrowing" their power sockets.

Be Nicelandic! Don't be an Iceland Dick!

A bus full of goods.

Today's lunch, tomorrow's breakfast.

Sardines from Poland! At least, that's what my translate app says.

Now this is an office.
A wide, flat glacial outwash plain, also known as a sandur.
A procession of hikers, doing the more elevation-heavy day hike around the ridge.
Someone enjoying the wind.
Some hikers reaching the high point of the northern ridge trail.

Have fun in there, folks!

Folks basting in their juices.

Hoenstly, I will never understand the appeal of sitting in a hot spring with two dozen random strangers.

I wonder what the story behind these is. Are they all from cars that got destroyed by the roads?
A slightly more traditional looking structure.
Yay Iceland!
Sheep doin' their chompy thing.
The hot water is host to all kinds of strange life.
If this was in Oakland I would assume it was industrial waste. Out here, it's got to be some naturally growing variety of algae.
Mist coming off the hot water.

A driver trying their luck.

I hope those luggage compartments are water-sealed!

A beat-up diagram. I'm currently at the lower of the two house icons.

Hikers examining the local maps, and getting advice.

Yay! More bike tourists!

A tempting valley to explore.
An enjoyable evening walk along a rough riverside trail.
So many interesting rocks here!
The sun lingers at this angle for hours.
Such interesting light here.
A nicely oriented lens flare, I think.
Climbing up out of the narrow valley, onto the lava field.

A confusing terrain.

Alternately rough, and smooth as glass.

Some artist could probably turn this into about two dozen really nice looking table lamps. Well, except it would be illegal to do so.

I swear it looks like a hunk of stale bread.
Slowly the moss and lichen heaps up on the rocks, and tears it apart, a tiny piece at a time.
Such odd shapes here.
It kind of looks like the rock face exploded.
A bit of open space running through the middle of the lava field.
It looks terribly romantic!
Oh crap, I should have been on this trail the entire time. I feel pretty dumb about that.
Given how many people must walk on this trail every year, it's no surprise they were having problems with erosion before they set it up.
The official bathing area isn't the only spot with hot water. All this water runs the spectrum from warm to burning.

Heading back down towards the camping area.

Three sheep buts clustered together looks really alarmingly like a black bear.


Mineral deposits crusting over the hot water spigot, making it look much older than it actually is. Not to mention gross.

Next five entries