Hunkered Down In Höfn

All set up for a long stay.

Quite a view along this bike path!

Parked outside in plain view, with gear on it. That's security in a small Iceland town.

A thoroughly used tube.

The patches did help, but the tube still got eroded.

No matter how many times you wash your sweats, you can't get highway tar out!

A sudden change in road surface.
A tiny nameless island just off the coast of Höfn
Sponsored by a local restaurant.
This must be part of a larger installation.
Looking across the bay to the glacier at Kverkfjöll volcano.
Gotta take your sunlight where you find it.

Most artctic terns get to Iceland by flying. Some pay a boatman.

All kinds of stuff for the hungry traveler.

And power sockets? Nice!

Delicious fried eggs and vampire teeth for sale!

Bag O' Snackables.

The joint's jumpin'!

Roaming free! Until winter sets in. Then you take them indoors or they die.

Is this some kind of national pastime?

I dig this thorough packing job.
Need a late-night drive-through burger? Here's your spot.
Dockside attractions.
I haven't seen a trough urinal in years. And here's one in jolly first-world Iceland.
Sudden camper van explosion!

Here’s your hypothetical question for the day:  What would you do for a living if there were no computers?  Like, nothing more complicated than a pocket calculator?  What would you do for fun?  How would you socialize?

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