Up and on the road relatively late, after lingering in the hotel to eat a good breakfast. While I was chowing down at a small table in the corner of the restaurant, a noisy crowd of Chinese tourists poured in, bookended by two tour guides. They pushed a bunch of tables together and half a dozen waiters came in to take orders, then the tour leaders got into a loud argument in Chinese with each other while looking at the menus. It sounded really vicious, as though they were an old married couple fighting over money.
I was glad to be out of there and back to the peace and quiet of the road.
Just around the corner I encountered a friendly dog and a little mom-and-pop ice cream store. I was still full but — home made ice cream? Un-pass-up-able.
I then spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon riding around the shore of Lake Mývatn, pausing to take pictures, or just to stand there letting the gorgeous rustic landscape soak into my eyeballs.
Later on I stopped in a clearing by the side of the road to eat snacks. Lunch and dinner for me today would be a split between fresh fish and candy. Gotta keep those legs turning! While I was off the bike I also attended a video conference call with work. From Iceland, I chatted with a small gang of developers situated in Ukraine, Belgium, Spain, and California.
Modern technology is astounding. Ten years ago this would have been cutting edge stuff. Twenty years ago this would have been impossible. Before that — science fiction. Now it’s just a regular Friday.
As I rode away from the lake, I passed by well-used buildings and lumpy roads belonging to different farmsteads. I could easily imagine some local family of Icelanders spending their days tending sheep and horses, mending fences and cutting grass, then taking the occasional drive into “the big city” to replenish their supplies participate in some modern cultural event, like a conference or a show. I thought about the bottlenecks of shipping and manufacturing — where do they get their electronics? Where do they get their cars and trucks? How do they pay for it all? I can’t think of anything they might export aside from horses and fish. What’s the secret of Icelandic financing that keeps this nation so well provisioned? Is it just a fiscally conservative culture and a lack of nearby enemies?
Also of course there’s the enormous economic advantage of getting free purified hot water and electricity out of the ground…
I pondered for a while as I rode up the hills to the east of the lake. Was I seeing this place clearly? Just how impressed should I be with the affluence of Iceland?
On a different cycling trip I rode through vast, barely populated stretches of the American midwest. The impression I got was of mostly good people doing tough agrarian work, with strong social and religious bonds, but also a subset of people struggling with substance abuse and poverty. The best example of that region is arguably Kansas, a place with eight times the population of Iceland spread across an area of land only twice the size. The median per-capita income of Iceland is roughly $40,000 with an income tax rate of 45%, while the median per-capita income of Kansas is roughly $30,000 with an income tax (state combined with federal) of about 23%. There is probably some skew happening there with currency conversion rates, but to be honest, those numbers are closer than I would have guessed. Americans living on the coast generally think of Kansas as a poor backwater with nothing but crops, cattle, and various Christian groups vying for parishioners — suited more for flying over than for living in. But a direct comparison with what those same Americans think of as the finest of the first-world Nordic economies, they’re doing okay.
Obviously not great, but okay. The income comparison is only part of the picture. Icelanders have engineered their government to provide a lot more support than people in Kansas receive, for example universal health care. Does that difference bear out in life expectancy? The internet tells me that Icelanders can expect to live 82 years, versus 77 years for people in Kansas. Again, not as huge a difference as I was expecting. I pulled up a bunch of numbers, swapping around in browser tabs on my phone. The only thing that seemed hugely different was the violent crime rate. (The murder rate in Iceland is essentially zero.) What’s going on? Am I letting the gorgeous terrain of this country bias my judgement?
The attitude that I’ve run with ever since I can remember – the prevailing attitude of my social group – is that if only places like Kansas would adopt the government and economic policies of the Nordic countries, their citizens would enjoy a much higher standard of living and a huge boost to social stability and equity. When I was younger, and more firmly embedded in my liberal social group, I actually believed the Nordic countries all had straight-up socialist governments and economic systems, and that the world should be pursuing those. It turns out the model they’re using is not so different from the United States. I still believe that the US can – and should – adopt more welfare programs and be way less antagonistic towards unions and agencies designed to preserve renewable resources, but I’m surprised to find that there isn’t more difference between places like Iceland and Kansas. Iceland may be doing better than Kansas mostly for reasons that have little to do with government, like the presence of tourist attractions, drastically low utility costs, war-time investment from foreign powers, and the fisheries that ring the island. Compare that with Kansas: Nobody goes “on vacation” to Kansas, heating and cooling are expensive there, and it’s smack-in-the-middle of “torando alley“.
I think I do have some subconscious bias towards Iceland and the other countries of Northern Europe. I think there’s a part of me that feels like, the more attractive the landscape is, and the more attractive to me the people living on it are, the more likely they are to be doing things right, and worth emulating. And it doesn’t take more than a second to realize what a silly and potentially dangerous belief that is. If I was the owner of a company or the gatekeeper for some social program, and had to choose whether to do business with Icelanders or some other group, I would want to keep it in mind. I’d feel ashamed if I didn’t.
As an American I hold the concept of equal opportunity close to the front of my mind, and have an almost stern attitude about seeing it applied everywhere I go. There’s a lot America does wrong, but equal opportunity across ethnic and cultural lines, that’s something we do better than anywhere else. As I travel through other countries that haven’t had to adapt to such diversity – yet – I find myself wondering how much of their own subconscious bias would come boiling up if you scratched the surface of their everyday business and finance. 50 years ago Icelanders gladly accepted money and hardware from Americans but balked at their children mixing socially, and the military servicemen they were dealing with probably looked a lot like them. I wonder how the current generation of Icelanders will cope with an avalanche of tourists from China, India, Brazil, and so on. I’m sure they’ll happily take the money — but how much relief will they feel when the foreigners all bugger off back out of the country in late August?
(This problem is still mostly hypothetical for Iceland. About 1/4th of all the tourists to Iceland still come from the United States, and almost all the rest come from Europe. Only 4 percent come from China. The rest are a rounding error.)
I set my deep thoughts aside and switched over to my Terry Pratchett book, and as the miles ticked away the day slowly shaded into a multi-layered twilight. The clouds were very moody and I had to set up the tripod and take a few long exposures to try and capture it:
I crossed a long narrow bridge, then left Highway 1 for a smaller road. It was quite late by the time I found Grimsstadir campsite, and I had to stomp around on the grass in the near-dark and poke the ground with my feet to locate a dry spot for the tent. As I rummaged in my bags, I once again worried that some other camper would come stumbling out of their car or tent, awakened by the noise and paranoid that a thief was messing with their gear — but it never happened. People are just more relaxed here, I guess.
These late night rides are inspiring and cozy, but they make setting up camp twice as hard. Still worth it though!