Business in Egilsstaðir
September 11, 2021 Filed under Advice
Quite an amazing tunnel
Soda, Sweaters, and the Sea
September 9, 2021 Filed under Curious
Resting A Bit
September 7, 2021 Filed under Curious
The weather was fantastic but I wouldn’t be going very far in it today.
I had a second night booked here to concentrate on work, so my excursion was just over to the miniature town across the highway.
I warned the waiter at the restaurant I would be there for a while, and he shrugged and said, “You might be our only customer for most of the day. It’s really slow right now.”
That was good. My video meetings wouldn’t bug anyone.
I finished with those, then wrote code and ate snacks for about five hours. Eventually I switched to email and texting with the folks back home.
As evening fell I started obsessing about social media. My home country is now filled with people who get their important news from social media feeds, and I keep worrying – in this obsessive, impotent way – that they are vulnerable to bad actors working from far away to change, or just filter, their information for some economic or political purpose. The centralized nature of large-scale social media makes it easy interfere with what seems like, and what should be, a local exchange.
I keep seeing it like this: We’ve placed a large chair in the center of our living room, and whenever our friends come over, or whenever the family gathers around to chat, someone we don’t know and can’t see sits down in the chair, and listens to everything everyone says, and comments on it, or alters it, or simply raises a hand and stops them from talking. And we all pretend this isn’t happening, and that the chair isn’t there.