Second Iceland Departure

It's always sunny at the hostel! (Note: Actual sun may vary.)

In Iceland, we park bikes wherever. Sometimes we even put locks on them.
Here's where you check in and get that all-important WIFI password.
Still got that vague hospital vibe.
Small but cozy!

It's the cat from 2019! Hooray!

I didn't manage to spot any of these creatures while I was in Iceland.

How many fairies can dance on the top of a vine?

Another of those cool names-as-streets maps.

I remember this path from my last visit!

Lots of tourists on lots of different vechicles have passed this way!

I like this guy. He's got a cool dog and his shirt roughly translates to "Less talk, more forest."

Ultima 9 used to take a 300-watt tower PC to run. Now I can play it on a laptop in an emulator and it looks just as good. That's wild.

I really hoped that this truck would have a man in underwear on the other side. Nope!
Sounds delicious!
Last order of business: Repair these poor headphones.
Checking in for the boarding line!
Everyone here was excited to get going. Some of them kept their engines idling uselessly the whole time, just in case.
All lined up to board the ferry.
Caution: Children crossing, and cats flying over mountains.
Some great hiking around here.
A last, lingering view of these fine Icelandic hills.

On we go!

Still quite the conga line of cars waiting to park.

Tethering up the bike in the standard area.

Over the last pass

There's that big basket from last time!

Dang, I don't have chains!

The road won't turn you to stone, but the wind will certainly scare you.

Quite a view up here.

Who's smug that he made it all the way up here in this insane wind? This guy!

The art installation has lost a bunch of portable TVs.

Finally reached the plateau.

That looks like a good spot for a nap!
Water goes on top of and inside this mossy carpet.
Beware the gooseprints: They indicate goose poops nearby.
Quite a cool spot for napping.

It's like a big green mattress!

Aaaah, time for a nap.

So many colors in these clouds.
Snow under late summer clouds.
Dramatic lighting up here!
Mesmerizing sunset colors.

The high elevation brings the clouds closer.

Narrow band of horizon.

Good ol' Valoria, always ready to stop for a photo -- and hold my snack while I'm taking it.

A night-time approach photo to match the one from two years ago.

Quite an amazing tunnel

Sjanni is a great fellow and I wish I'd had more time to spend with him!

Spot the cyclist!

Aww, two little arcade machines! That's adorable!

Have snacks, will pedal!
Huh? Whaaaa?
I think it would be cool to have hills like this all around my farm. Might get annoying chasing after lost sheep though.
It almost looks like the mountain is venting steam.
Clouds doing weird things over the peaks.
Just a liiiiitle snow left up there.
Lovely view. Unfortunately it looks warmer than is actually is!
I hereby name this region 'Sheepy Hollow'!
Every time I make a baa-aa-aa noise at them, the sheep get slightly more confused.

Guess what this marker means!

Today's route appears to go straight up over a mountain! No wait, that's a tunnel.

Oh boy, this one's a long one!

Tunnel time approaches.

Looking back. See ya later, daylight!

10 whole minutes of coasting silently downhill into the mountain. Very trippy.

If you look close you can see the tunnel I came out of.

Better watch it, motorists!

Some impressive sides to this valley.

I was tempted to walk over and put my feet in, but I figured the water would be far too cold, and my socks would take far too long to dry.

These roadside memorials to dead motorists are rare in Iceland, but no less saddening for it.

If I'm reading the sign correctly, the motorist was only 16 when she died here.

So many waterfalls!
Pausing at the rest area for a photo and a wee!
Lots of spinning on those cranks to get up here...
Zig-zaggy waterfalls!
Only a few cars on this stretch today, which is a nice change.
The highest point of today's ride.
The curves are especially dramatic because there isn't a single tree to interrupt them.
There's sheep in them thar hills!
Weird perforated sunset clouds.

Here's a place that looks like it can serve up a lot of calories.

This guy's name is Patti Burgersson. (I'm lying.)

Got a lot of snacks in the fridge today.

The Misty Mountains

One more bathroom stop before the road...

Local lore on display.

Nice spot to run a local government from.

It's pretty cool seeing all these little kid toy sections in restaurants.

YESSS!! Greens!

Shout-out to Glen, giving his trailer a trial-run on this Iceland tour!

The back of the bike: Table, coat rack, extra hand, clothesline, and occasionally even a work desk.

This could be a clear day or a cloudy day, depending on your perspective.

This side of the rock was constantly getting wet from streams of water and then quickly drying out from the wind, over and over.

Having a good time in the rain!

Hills hiding behind hills.

Just how much mist is an excessive amount? Iceland has no such limit!

You could climb to the top, but I don't know where you'd stand when you got there!
Another world, above and below the clouds.
Gorgeous sandwich layers along every fjord.
I cairn do this all day.
And all this geography, right by the side of the road...
Ride on in, the mist is fine!
Farming the sea.
Watch out for them trucks!
That rock's in the way! Blast it!

A ribbon of road, making this travel possible.

Fjardabyggd:. More than just that thing you shout when you stub your toe: It's also a town!

The aurora, vaulting up behind the clouds. I did not expect to see them this time of year.

Is something wrong with my lens? Nope. It's the northern lights.

Look at all that exploded luggage!

Amazing Coast All Day

In the morning I went to settle my camping fee, and discovered a Nicelandic setup: Pay in the kitchen!

Didn’t get a chance to pay for your spot? Be a good citizen and leave some cash.

Didn’t get a chance to pay for your spot? Be a good citizen and leave some cash.

Today would be a quiet day, spent snacking along into a mild headwind. Headwinds are never nice, but this one did interesting things to the sea:

I switched between music and books all day, giving myself room to think. My mind kept coming back to the scene of the accident from yesterday, and the behavior of the people involved, especially the victim.

Aha! I think I found the Icelandic version of Pride Rock!

Aha! I think I found the Icelandic version of Pride Rock!

The young woman had not yelled or cried, or expressed any anguish at all — just a shell-shocked quiet. As a fellow introvert I knew there was a storm inside her head of course. It was just thoroughly walled in by learned social behavior and disposition. I wondered if that expression would come later – days or weeks from now – ambushing her in a safe isolated place, or perhaps somewhere embarrassingly public. If I was dealing with people back home in California I would anticipate that. But could I expect it here, with Icelanders? Perhaps the stoicism I see around me on the surface goes all the way to the core, and this young person already lives inside it, with no role models for something else.

That's a lot o' geese!
Shallow tidewater, good for straining some nutrition out with your beak.
I don't think I've ever seen so many geese in one spot before.
Just another amazing scene on the Iceland coast.
Lovely calm waters for a goose convention.

It would be silly of course to extrapolate a single personality onto an entire country. But it’s still possible, and interesting, to talk about averages, and why those could exist. As I rode along, snapping the occasional picture of the rugged coast and forbidding mountains, I wondered if there was a geographical influence at work.

How much does this terrain influence the people living on it?

This bay is protected by a long thin arm of land that smooths the waves on the ocean.

This bay is protected by a long thin arm of land that smooths the waves on the ocean.

I thought about the young woman, and her entire age group. What must it be like, spending your teenage years in Icelandic terrain?

I amused myself by trying to puzzle it out. For one, the population here is either super-concentrated, or sparse. There aren’t a lot of suburbs around. If your family does farming or ranching, there is plenty of kid-appropriate work to be done. This makes me think that Icelandic kids are not likely to hang around together in large groups unattended, away from the grounding influence of adults.

Geese on the water near the Hvalnes Nature Reserve Beach.
Am I enjoying this day? Yes; yes I am!
Geese on the Icelandic coast.
Honk honk honk honk honk!
A long, narrow stripe of beach, with the sea beyond.
Geese enjoying the fair Iceland weather.
Time for a nap!
This is the same stuff that's in the pillow packed into a compression sack on my bike!

The setting may be rural, but it’s not big enough to be anonymous. You can’t drive for half an hour and be among total strangers. Iceland is a small country and most of your socializing destinations are on a line, up or down the main road. So if you engage in some embarrassing young-person shenanigans, it’s very likely your parents will get wind of it, because they probably know some other parents over there by name.

So fluffy!

So fluffy!

Your parents are probably quiet people.  Farm work isn’t a dialogue-driven process. There isn’t a big dancing or singing tradition relative to elsewhere, though you do get a lot of wickedly funny verbal humor that you’ll appreciate more as an adult.

I wondered about this, actually. In rural places where the winter is harsh, there’s a long chunk of time where people are trapped indoors with each other. Being quiet and polite is a good way to avoid expensive conflict, but don’t people also need an outlet? Like, a tavern down in the middle of the village, where music is playing, and people are drinking and shouting over the din, and getting some chaos out of their system? Maybe a bit of dancing?

But if that exists here, what about young people? They wouldn’t have their own youth-oriented places to carouse. They’d be mixed in with the adults. And the adults would be watching.

Got a piece of cardboard? Maybe you can slide down!

Got a piece of cardboard? Maybe you can slide down!

It’s funny to contemplate the idea that a place apparently made of quiet wilderness could also be socially confining. But the terrain seems to push that way. You need to be prepared, and people need to know where you’re going. You can’t go skipping down to the beach for a roll in the surf and some sunbathing. You can’t go wandering into the woods, where the cover of trees gives you easy isolation, because there aren’t really any woods.

A cool panorama along a bend in the coastal road.

A cool panorama along a bend in the coastal road.

Now, I shouldn’t get carried away. Young people are going to find outlets wherever they are. I hear popular indoor activities for kids here are video games, D&D campaigns, drinking, playing in bands, chatting online, drinking, having movie nights, going to shows, drinking, endless flirting with potential romantic partners, and going on joyrides to any place where there’s a bit of privacy, even if it’s just a 24-hour mini-mart. That overlaps a whole lot with what my friends did back in Santa Cruz.

And sure, you can’t do casual outdoor stuff, but you can still be outside. There are field sports when the weather’s good. Get your legs working and the cold doesn’t matter so much. And anything that you can do on ice, is available in Iceland.

Lighthouse or giant carrot?
Clouds chopping the top off the nearby peaks.
Quite astonishingly windy on this particular chunk of road.
Up along the coast road we go!
Ready to hit the beach?

There’s also something to be said for the isolation of the country from its neighbors. It’s pretty hard to leave. You can’t hop in a car and drive for a while, and end up in Mexico, or go through an undersea tunnel and emerge in France, where people speak a different language and there is serious anonymity and weirdness. In Iceland you’re more likely to be exposed to other countries via incoming tourism, and that isn’t usually a positive filter. I mean, if my community back home was just comprised of the entitled action-hound subset that went on international vacations all the time, I’d probably be a serial arsonist. Let them all stay abroad, thank you very much.

That tourism – all those loud rude people coming in and setting a bad example – probably makes Icelanders want to double-down on their stoicism. Most of them, at least. And that’s another way geography contributes.

This pressure probably goes in another direction as well: If this terrain doesn’t fit your personality, then you can emigrate. The way is open, by the big airport and ferry terminal.

I had fun pondering all this, then switched to some Skyrim for a while to reset my brain.

Lots of travelers want you to know they've been here before you.
Lots of pedaling, running out of food, and having an excellent day.
A nice view of the next hour of riding.
Random rainbow!
Such nifty contours on these hills...

A while after that, the sun broke through the clouds, and I rearranged my layers. It felt like an autumn day back home, and I felt a bit nostalgic. To feel connected to things in my home country I started listening to a news podcast. That sent my mind in quite a different direction.

Grateful for the sudden sunlight.

Grateful for the sudden sunlight.

A column breaking through the clouds.

A column breaking through the clouds.

Awww, don’t run over the dude! He’s just walkin’ here!

Awww, don’t run over the dude! He’s just walkin’ here!

It's a teeny waterfall! I approve.
Hey, yo, check out dis heah waterfall!
Often I find myself wondering how long ago any given rock wall was built on this island. 50 years? 300?
Pedal on the way down, pedal on the way up. Then catch breath and do it again!
That's way too tilted to be a house foundation. Some kind of waterside animal pen?
Cairn you see what's in the photo?
Tired, but determined.
The fog appears to be clawing its way over the peaks.
Roadside columns.
Leaning layers in the landscape.
Apparently there's an old religious dude buried right around here.
That looks like enough rocks to hold down a deacon!
Qutie an impressive stack built up over the years.
I am amused by the way this burial site has been turned into a picnic spot.
Whole lotta symbols in the next town. Not sure what a bunch of them mean…

Whole lotta symbols in the next town. Not sure what a bunch of them mean…

If you don’t dry your frillies on the radiatior, some other camper will come by and do the same.

If you don’t dry your frillies on the radiatior, some other camper will come by and do the same.